Be Seen & Be Heard BROADCAST ON CBGtv NOW! Reach hundreds if not thousands of interested viewers and listeners. CBGtv Currently has a few time slots available for select choice Content Producers and we’d like you to consider one of them! Gather your video content and broadcast your message everywhere thanks to CONTACT US TODAY TO LEARN HOW EASY IT IS TO ADD YOUR PRODUCTIONS TO OUR PROGRAMMING!

Be Seen & Be Heard,

Reach hundreds if not thousands of interested viewers and listeners. CBGtv Currently has a few time slots available for select choice Content Producers and we’d like you to consider one of them!

Gather your video content and broadcast your message everywhere thanks to

The information below will give you an idea of what we’re looking for, and the terms and conditions associated with program proposals, event coverage, or appearances on existing CBGTV shows.

If you understand and agree with the information, please click “I Agree & Want to submit a show proposal” and you will be directed to the appropriate submission page. If you do not agree or do not understand the information, then check “I Do Not Agree” and you will be returned to the CBGtv main page and can contact us for more information.

Our Mandate

CBGTV ‘s mandate is to be educational, informative, entertaining, and directly or indirectly related to cannabis and cannabis lifestyle, so we’re most interested in ideas that meet our mandate. Be sure to explain the specific angle or niche your show, event, or appearance captures, and how it’s relevant to the subject of cannabis.


If you would like CBGTV to cover your event, there is no charge to you or your group to record and broadcast your event. CBGTV, however, may solicit sponsors to offset the cost of producing the program. Sponsorship funds are used to help initiate or improve CBGTV programs. Sponsorship acknowledgments may appear during the course of the coverage of your event. No sponsorship agreements for any CBGTV program may exist without CBGTV’s agreement.

Event Coverage

When requesting event coverage, provide as much advance notice as possible. A minimum of 3 to 4 weeks of lead time is best.

Furthermore, legal problems may arise if any part of your event is protected by copyright. Any song, music, play, or work created by an author who is alive or has not been dead for more than 50 years may be copyright protected in Canada. Any person performing or recording such work must obtain permission from the owner of the copyright before the work is performed or recorded. It is your obligation or your organization’s to ensure that all copyright and usage permissions are secured prior to recording and production by CBGTV.